Saturday, February 14, 2009

Uh, Jerker, one last question....

When you say that you went to the Board and told them that you "didn't want to receive" the bonus stipulated for 2008 by your Employment Contract and that you now "won't be receiving" a bonus for 2008 (like all your Investment Banking subjects unworthy of contracts), could you please clarify just a few things?

1.  Please verify that you have no prospect of receiving that 2008 bonus AT ANY TIME in the future.    In other words, verify that your 2008 bonus it is not merely 

a.  delayed; 
b. deferred; 
c. collectible when you leave the firm; 
d. otherwise to be paid under any circumstances...


2.  Please verify that you RECEIVED NO NEW COMPENSATION for agreeing to forego the 2008 bonus

a.  no new cash payments or new option grant
b.  no new perquisites
c.  no new or amended employment contract

3.  Please verify that like all your colleagues without contracts for 2009, that you have NO CONTRACTUALLY-GUARANTEED compensation for 2009.

You have asked your Investment Bank employees to "make an investment" in the firm and you have professed to them that you "are all in this together."  It is only logical and fair--and the only scenario under which anyone can be asked to trust you--that your employees know that your interests are exactly aligned with theirs.  You must state very clearly that you are starting out at rock bottom alongside each of them and that you, too, will only be paid if the myriad contingencies regarding the Investment Bank, its divisions and UBS AG are satisfactorily achieved. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Some New Qjestions for Qjerker

Before we begin, could you please tell your assembled subjects whether you arrived in New York from London via private jet, or whether you drove, preferably a hybrid vehicle?

1. In the 4th quarter, it is widely rumored that UBS had one specific trade (and perhaps an accompanying, offsetting hedge) that went bad and on which UBS lost a material amount of money.  

a.  Is that true?  

b.  What was your involvement with it?

c.  Did this trade adversely affect the Investment Bank's bonus pool?

2. Similarly, it is rumored that, like Goldman Sachs, UBS had a large loss/writedown (may be disclosed on the call) associated with a loan to Lyondell-Basell.

a.  Is that true?  

b.  What was your involvement with it?

1.  UBS stated that approximately USD$1.1bn (CHF 1.3bn) of its bonus pool allotment out of a total of USD$1.7bn (CHF 2.0bn) was "contractual" which constitutes approximately 67% of the total bonus pool.  

a.  How many bankers will share the USD$1.1billion (in other words, what is the size of the average "contract")?  

b.  Given 67% of the bonus pool must be paid contractually, what percentage of total employees do those receiving a contractually-guaranteed bonus represent?  In other words, 67% of bonus is being paid to what percentage of employees?   

c.  Is UBS willing to release the specific amount of each of these bonuses being paid to those receiving "guaranteed compensation," given the discriminatory nature of the compensation and the fact the Swiss National Bank had to "bail out" UBS?  Or, is UBS willing to release the names of the bankers receiving contractually-guaranteed payments?

d.  Did UBS attempt to recover any of these contractually-committed amounts, or did it attempt to re-negotiate these agreements in any way?  Was it successful in any case?  

e.  If bankers refused to renegotiate, did UBS seek to penalize them in any way, recognizing that so many lower-level employees will go substantially without any compensation for 2008 through no faults of their own?

f.  Would it be fair to say that since these payments are contractual and are likely being paid to high-level employees in leadership and management positions, that those responsible for UBS' disastrous results in 2008 are receiving most, if not all, of the "bonus pool" and that lower-level employees who have come to view year-end compensation more as a deferred portion of their salary are being disproportionately and unfairly targeted?
g.  Does UBS expect to be targeted with any legal action regarding its "bonus pool"?  

h.  Please state what CHF 2.1 billion for "Contractually-owed, revenue-based compensation of US WM financial advisors" is for exactly.  Please clarify if this compensation is on top of their commissions and regular compensation?

i.  Please state what CHF 319 million for "UBS Pactual contractually agreed variable compensation" is exactly.  How many individuals share in that?

j.  Please state what CHF 675 million for "Other contractual compensation and guaranteed payments" is exactly.  How many individuals share in that?

k.  Please describe for everyone the compensation models for the other two businesses of UBS.

l.  Would it be fair to say that you have failed to secure "market compensation" for the employees of the Investment Bank for 2008?  Was the elimination of a bonus accrual that existed for three quarters done to pacify the press and other critics in Switzerland at the expense of your employees?

2.  Since the Investment Bank, and especially the Investment Bank's Fixed Income division, had such a disastrous year, could UBS please disclose the contractually-guaranteed compensation that is plans to pay to the following executives of these businesses:

(in each case, please be very clear about the amounts being paid, the form of consideration, and exactly when "contractual" payments are to be received either now or at any time in the future)

a.  Jerker Johansson, CEO of the Investment Bank
b. Carsten Kengeter, Co-Head of Fixed Income Division of the Investment Bank
c. Jeff Mayer, Co-Head of Fixed Income Division of the Investment Bank

3.  In Congressional hearing, we keep hearing that "cash is fungible."  If that's the case, is any cash that was generated by the Investment Bank in 2008 being used to pay bonuses in Global Wealth Management or other areas of the firm?

4.  LAST year, UBS apparently was "avante garde" in its compensation practices, and capped the amount of CASH to be paid in a bonus to approximately USD$700k, which required the rest to be taken in UBS stock that has since plummeted by nearly 70%.  (This change was reportedly made extremely late in the compensation process, just days before bonuses were awarded).  This year, Goldman Sachs reportedly had a similar limit of $300k cash.  
a.  Is UBS paying out its contractually-guaranteed compensation according to the terms of its typical bonus plan (part cash part stock), or will it impose a cash "cap" on the amount paid according to these contracts, especially given that such a large amount of money is likely reserved for so few, and a relatively small amount of money is left over for the lower level employees?  

b.  If not, why not?  Presumably UBS could once again this year change the terms of its plan at its sole discretion to limit the amount of cash flowing out to these individuals. 

c.  Is it true that those who do receive a "bonus" that is not contractually-guaranteed will have those payments deferred, subject to "clawback" based on the future financial results of UBS but paid in CASH rather than UBS SHARES that won't benefit from strong future performance by UBS?  If that is so, is that also the case with those receiving contractual payments?  Or do those individuals with contractually-guaranteed payments have more attractive terms and conditions from the compensation plans that were in effect at the time they SIGNED their contracts?

5.  Is it true that UBS just paid substantial severance (reported to be 25% or more of the respective employee's 2006 bonus, or more) and accelerated the vesting of deferred compensation and other items for employees it made redundant in December?   

a.  If that's true, would it be accurate to say that the lower-performing employees who were made redundant at the end of 2008 received more compensation for 2008 than the employees who remain with UBS today?  Is that sensible for employee morale and retention?

b.  Could you comment on the fairness of that scheme and how that might affect retention of your higher-performing employees who remain with UBS?

c.  Do you expect there to be a significant exodus of your most talented bankers following the next scheduled vesting date of past deferred compensation, reported to be approximately 1 March 2009?

6.  In light of Friday's Wall Street Journal article that articulate the Investment Bank's leaders' belief that once UBS announces its results and "vision" on 10 February that its bankers will have to choose either to "defend the franchise and fight to continue" or "allow it to disintegrate and destroy itself," could you elaborate on YOUR PERCEPTION of the employee morale at the Investment Bank right now?

7.  It has been widely reported that UBS has attempted to sell the Investment Banking business.
a.  Could you comment on recent attempts around that?

8.  When and how do you envision changing the Investment Bank's compensation structure going forward?  If the Investment Bank compensation will, in the future, continue to depend upon the performance of the entire Group, please clarify if 2009 "profitability" depends upon:

a.  marks on the CHF 20bn of "toxic assets" UBS just agreed to take back on balance sheet
b.  the Leveraged Loan book
c.  amortization of guaranteed compensation used to recruit new US WM professionals at what the press is describing as "above market or unprecedented" rates
d.  possible settlement related to US Tax Evasion case in WM

9.  Please be very clear about the current discussions regarding accelerating EOP and whether that would be "free and clear" to employees, or whether it would just secure a loan/advance?

10.  Please discuss the additional 2,000+ jobs that are slated to be eliminated from the Investment Bank?  Is yours one of them?

Saturday, February 7, 2009


UBS is scheduled to report its 4th-quarter and full-year results this Tuesday, 10 February (see bottom of posting for information on how you can participate).  

Since a full one-third of UBS is in open revolt (clearly the Investment Bank over this bonus flap, and parts of Wealth Management over paying unprecedented "sign on" bonus for teams defecting from distracted competitors such as Citi, Morgan Stanley, BofA Merrill Lynch and Goldmans) and potential "disintegration" (as the Wall Street Journal reported) looming, it should prove to be quite an interesting affair, shouldn't it?  Kudos to Carrick Mollencamp at the WSJ for chasing down the real story at UBS, confirming much of what has been written here and publishing it more widely for shareholder and others to review.

So, what to expect Tuesday?  Will Chairman Kurer and CEO Rohner even bother to lead the call?  Or will they abdicate and let CFO John Cryan do the dirty work?  Will they have the heads of the Wealth Management, Asset Management and Investment Bank on hand to answer the tough questions from the research analyst community (it's a dirty little secret in investor relations circles that the management teams leading the calls can see the queue of calls waiting, which enables them to re-order or even reject certain callers whose questions it may not like or has not liked in the past.  So much for transparency!)

Whoever turns up to speak with investors ought to familiarize themselves with some alarming statistics.  Since the news of the UBS bonus scheme was made public at the end of last week, let's review stock price performance of the major banks for the week of 
2 February:

+19.62%  Goldman Sachs
+13.26%  Credit Suisse
+13.05%  Morgan Stanley
+10.16%  Barclays
+10.14%  Citigroup
+  9.51%  Deutsche Bank
+  5.56%  HSBC
-   6.84%  Bank of America
-   9.64%  UBS

So, in a week's time, UBS' stock has been outperformed somewhere between 3% and 30% by its major competition.  To put this into perspective, had UBS' stock performed only as well as the median of its peers last week, its stock should have risen 10.15%, implying a trading price of $13.71 today.  Had that been the case, its market cap would be approximately USD$7.8 billion higher than it is right now (based on a closing price of $11.25 Friday and roughly 3 billion shares outstanding).  Nice week, guys.  Since it's a commonly held belief that markets are "forward-looking," this is one market that's looking forward for UBS and not liking what it's seeing.  Uh-oh.

In light of the above numbers, investors in UBS should want to hear some meaningful information and straight answers to tough questions.  Like it or not, investors' shares are nothing more than equity in the good (predominantly) people who work at UBS (for now), as opposed to real estate, plant, equipment, or anything else tangible for that matter.  If the place is imploding as a result of actions by management, shareholders have a right to know what the hell these "leaders" are doing and why.  You have a right to direct answers to the questions we pose below.

Perhaps some of you reading this should join the call and attempt to ask a question!  Hell, if you're a research analyst and would like to borrow any of ours we list below, you're more than welcome....

1. In the 4th quarter, it is widely rumored that UBS had one specific trade (and perhaps an accompanying, offsetting hedge) that went bad and on which UBS lost a material amount of money.  

a.  Is that true?  

b.  As rumored, was Investment Bank CEO Johansson involved in approving it?

2. Similarly, it is rumored that, like Goldman Sachs, UBS had a large loss/writedown (may be disclosed on the call) associated with a loan to Lyondell-Basell.

a.  Is that true?  

b.  If so, is it true Investment Bank CEO Johansson & other senior bankers were key internal supporters and endorsed UBS making the loan?

c.  If b. is true, does UBS' Board retain confidence in these managers and were there any repercussions for that failure of judgment?

d.  Is there truth to the rumor that Rory Tapner is to be named CEO of the Investment Bank?

1.  UBS stated that approximately USD$1.1bn (CHF 1.3bn) of its bonus pool allotment out of a total of USD$1.7bn (CHF 2.0bn) was "contractual" which constitutes approximately 67% of the total bonus pool.  

a.  How many bankers will share the USD$1.1billion (in other words, what is the size of the average "contract")?  

b.  Given 67% of the bonus pool must be paid contractually, what percentage of total employees do those receiving a contractually-guaranteed bonus represent?  In other words, 67% of bonus is being paid to what percentage of employees?   

c.  Is UBS willing to release the specific amount of each of these bonuses being paid to those receiving "guaranteed compensation," given the discriminatory nature of the compensation and the fact the Swiss National Bank had to "bail out" UBS?  Or, is UBS willing to release the names of the bankers receiving contractually-guaranteed payments?

d.  Did UBS attempt to recover any of these contractually-committed amounts, or did it attempt to re-negotiate these agreements in any way?  Was it successful in any case?  

e.  If bankers refused to renegotiate, did UBS seek to penalize them in any way, recognizing that so many lower-level employees will go substantially without any compensation for 2008 through no faults of their own?

f.  Would it be fair to say that since these payments are contractual and are likely being paid to high-level employees in leadership and management positions, that those responsible for UBS' disastrous results in 2008 are receiving most, if not all, of the "bonus pool" and that lower-level employees who have come to view year-end compensation more as a deferred portion of their salary are being disproportionately and unfairly targeted?
g.  Has UBS been targeted with any legal action regarding its decision on its "bonus pool"?  For example, could employees assert that it's illegal to redistribute an entire bonus pool to so few employees?  

Or, perhaps, could employees assert that over time with the explicit or implicit endorsement by UBS the "bonus pool" has come to be viewed by employees as "deferred salary" for past production or as "overtime pay" and not discretionary incentive compensation?  

Or, perhaps, that UBS has been negligent or fraudulent in bestowing substantial cash payments to employees it so recently made redundant (see Question 5 below) while providing current employees with little/none?  

Or, perhaps, that UBS seeks to encourage voluntary leavers and avoid paying lawful severance to these current employees by paying so little by way of a "bonus pool"?

2.  Since the Investment Bank, and especially the Investment Bank's Fixed Income division, had such a disastrous year, could UBS please disclose the contractually-guaranteed compensation that is plans to pay to the following executives of these businesses:

a.  Jerker Johansson, CEO of the Investment Bank
b. Carsten Kengeter, Co-Head of Fixed Income Division of the Investment Bank
c. Jeff Mayer, Co-Head of Fixed Income Division of the Investment Bank

3.  Since the Global Wealth Management division is facing a criminal indictment and large fine in the US related to allegations of assisting clients in evading US taxes, could could UBS please disclose the contractually-guaranteed compensation that is plans to pay to the following executives of that business:

a.  Martin Hoekstra, Head of US Wealth Management
b. Raoul Weil, Chairman & CEO Global Wealth Management (currently a "fugitive" from the US)

4.  LAST year, UBS apparently was "avante garde" in its compensation practices, and capped the amount of CASH to be paid in a bonus to approximately USD$700k, which required the rest to be taken in UBS stock that has since plummeted by nearly 70%.  (This change was reportedly made extremely late in the compensation process, just days before bonuses were awarded).  This year, Goldman Sachs reportedly had a similar limit of $300k cash.  
a.  Is UBS paying out its contractually-guaranteed compensation according to the terms of its typical bonus plan (part cash part stock), or will it impose a cash "cap" on the amount paid according to these contracts, especially given that such a large amount of money is likely reserved for so few, and a relatively small amount of money is left over for the lower level employees?  

b.  If not, why not?  Presumably UBS could once again this year change the terms of its plan at its sole discretion to limit the amount of cash flowing out to these individuals. 

c.  Is it true that those who do receive a "bonus" that is not contractually-guaranteed will have those payments deferred, subject to "clawback" based on the future financial results of UBS but paid in CASH rather than UBS SHARES that won't benefit from strong future performance by UBS?  If that is so, is that also the case with those receiving contractual payments?  Or do those individuals with contractually-guaranteed payments have more attractive terms and conditions from the compensation plans that were in effect at the time they SIGNED their contracts?

5.  Is it true that UBS just paid substantial severance (reported to be 25% or more of the respective employee's 2006 bonus, or more) and accelerated the vesting of deferred compensation and other items for employees it made redundant in December?   

a.  If that's true, would it be accurate to say that the lower-performing employees who were made redundant at the end of 2008 received more compensation for 2008 than the employees who remain with UBS today?  Is that sensible for employee morale and retention?

b.  Could you comment on the fairness of that scheme and how that might affect retention of your higher-performing employees who remain with UBS?

c.  Do you expect there to be a significant exodus of your most talented bankers following the next scheduled vesting date of past deferred compensation, reported to be approximately 1 March 2009?

6.  In light of Friday's Wall Street Journal article that articulate the Investment Bank's leaders' belief that once UBS announces its results and "vision" on 10 February that its bankers will have to choose either to "defend the franchise and fight to continue" or "allow it to disintegrate and destroy itself," could you elaborate on the employee morale at the Investment Bank right now?

7.  It has been widely reported that UBS has attempted to sell both its Investment Banking business and its US Wealth Management business.
a.  Could you comment on your recent attempts around these businesses?

In any time of crisis there is a "right thing to do" and and then, well, there are "all other options."  It is at times like these that leaders distinguish themselves as up to the task (think Jack Welch at GE, or Rudy Giuliani as mayor of New York) or they banish themselves to the dustbin of eternal management mediocrity (think Sir Conrad Black at Hollinger, or the bridge-playing Jimmy Cayne at Bear Stearns).  

If UBS wants to exit the Investment Banking business and get all its employees to sack themselves--either literally or at least in spirit--they've done exactly the right thing.   

If, however, UBS commits to retaining and building a "client-facing" Investment Bank (code for "no dumb/risky businesses") as it has widely hinted it will do on 10 February, it needs to revisit it's disastrous "bonus pool" decision of 2008 and "do the right thing."  Here are a few:

1.  Fix the fact it has taken most employees year-end compensation to $0 so it can pay a few uber-bankers their contractual millions.  UBS should have as much of a "moral contract" with those employees who take orders and work hard every day as it does with the high-level "managers," the very foxes who were guarding the hen house and who got the bank into this mess in the first place.  For ANY EMPLOYEE who met the goals that UBS set for them at the beginning of the year, pay them.  Pay them much less than last year like the rest of Wall Street as it should be--down 30-50%--but not down 80% or 100%.

2.  Admit that the culture of UBS is completely broken because it has never had one;  it has attempted to mesh the cultures of entities it has acquired, including those of UBS, Swiss Bank, SG Warburg, Dillon Read, Paine Webber, O'Connor, Brinson Partners and many more.  What has resulted is that UBS has historically been a bank of mercenaries enticed to work there not by a Goldman-like culture or a Morgan Stanley-like pride, but by contractual obligation. 

3.   In light of 1. and 2. above, UBS should ask those with contractual-payments to voluntarily take a 30-50% reduction (like the rest of Wall Street) on those contractual obligations to bring that compensation into line with reality and the rest of their colleagues' situations.  UBS, however, has no right to ask them to give it all back:  UBS is more to blame for this contractual mess than anyone else and it isn't fair to many of these talented uber-bankers who really do produce for the firm.  If, however these uber-bankers refuse, UBS ought to sack them immediately and notify employees by firm-wide email that "X has fulfilled the terms of his/her contractual arrangements with UBS and will be leaving the firm to pursue other opportunities."  This will be code for "X didn't want to do what was in the best interests of UBS, his/her fellow colleagues and shareholders, so we sacked him/her."  This will do more to establish a proper culture at UBS in one day than UBS has managed to do in the past 20 years, in effect, "we're all in this together."

4.  Change the rules of the compensation game PROSPECTIVELY.  Yes, UBS has been "avant garde" once again in its proposals for more contingent compensation with "clawback" provisions.  Bravo.  This, too, is as it should be, and long overdue.  However, such changes should apply as a guide for desired behaviors in the FUTURE, not as punishment for the PAST.

 5.  Tell the Swiss Government these are "the right things to do."  If it objects, UBS' Chairman and its CEO should be leaders of principles and resign in protest.

Which will it be?


UBS to report fourth quarter 2008 results on 10 February 2009

The results will be presented by live webcast, starting at 9am CET.


Tuesday, 10 February 2009


09.00 - 10.15 (CET)  08.00 - 09.15 (GMT) 03.00 - 04.15 (EST)


The results webcast will be available at investorsfrom 9 am (CET)/3am (EST).

Webcast Playback:

will be available on the same day from  14.00 (CET) 13.00 (GMT) 08.00 (EST)  An indexed, on-demand version of the webcast will be available from 18.00 (CET).

Q4 documents

Fourth Quarter 2008 report, interactive report, shareholders' letter, financial highlights videoclip, media release and slide presentation will be available on Tuesday, 10 February, at 07.00 CET on the UBS Investor Relations homepage at or UBS Media Relations homepage at

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Office: (Ricky Gervais version clearly)....

[From Yahoo Message Board, but appeared in mainstream press]
For everyone who keeps saying "don't give these UBS bums their end-of-year compensation, they have nowhere to go," you might want to think again.

Today's Daily Deal reported that two high-level UBS bankers have just departed for more "friendly" climates.

1. Jon Bass, the Fixed Income banker who told his boss to "sod off" last week and left the UBS trading floor to a standing ovation, took all of 36 hours to land a new gig. Wow. Rough employment market for a bum, huh?  DD reported BTIG LLC will launch a fixed income group of 60 people and Bass and a former Citi executive will head the group. Who thinks he even had time to get to the Unemployment Office last week in between fielding phone calls with new offers?  The net of it all is that Mr. Bass found employment and a paycheck, and UBS (and its shareholders) lost his production on its income statement.  Sorry, who won that battle?
Key Question #1:  How many of those 60 new people will be coming from UBS?!!!   Non-solicit agreement?  Don't make us laugh.  Every banker knows as long as you make the first out-bound call to your old boss, UBS won't be able to touch him.

2. Robert Gillespie will join Evercore Partners as a Senior Managing Director in London. A young star you wonder? Gillespie was with UBS for 27 years, but most bankers at UBS will tell you that he is certainly not a "star" (at least no longer) and is anything but "young." Just goes to show even the has-beens will find great new gigs. 
Key Question #2:  If somebody who has been there for 27 years--and was one of the ORIGINAL bankers who built the franchise from nothing--chooses to leave, what does that tell you about the climate at UBS?  Let's admit that someone with 27 years in residence has some inside information, so if Mr. Gillespie has determined UBS is not a great place to END a career, what do his actions imply about UBS as a place to START a career right now?! 

If one thing is certain on Wall Street, this trickle cold become a full-fledged flood in no time flat....

UBS' Investment Bank has basically just notified its investment bankers that they are a very unique breed, indeed, on Wall Street in that they all worked for free in 2008 and will be getting no year-end compensation.  So, you'd imagine that the stellar management of the firm must be completely cutting any and all expenses that are not deemed absolutely crucial, right?  Uh, not really.  We've learned that the modern day equivalent of the  "Partners Lunch in the Executive Dining Room" continues for the bank's big shots.  From what we've seen/heard, UBS apparently continues to offer a catered lunch--gratis--a couple/few times a week for the firm's Managing Directors; think hot entrees or sushi, bone china, real silverware, real linens.    Again, you couldn't make this up if you tried!  Maybe they should be offering that for the poor kids just out of university they're about to stiff, or to their admins getting by on USD$35k a year?!   Apparently, to their credit, more than a few MDs have been embarrassed that this continues and few turn up on any given day.  Maybe these MDs all kept mum lest they arrest the gravy train or jeopardize that big check they were expecting.  No risk of that any longer as we know.  In any event, who the hell is the "UBS cost czar" approving that?!!!

In re post below from UBSdude:  your point is noted.  

The prior observation was largely targeted at "new recruits" (as you put it) that UBS is throwing money at hand over fist to lure from Morgan Stanley, Citi, Merrill Lynch and elsewhere.  We've heard also the scores of talented Wealth Management advisers who have been doing same for UBS for several years already are irate, and thinking about leaving (probably only to get lured back by the dumb money in a few weeks time).

UBSdude has rightly pointed out that "resentment" is a genie not easily returned to the proverbial bottle.

1.  The entire Investment Bank is irate with Switzerland, which took its gross margin at the Investment Bank (before its writeoffs for all the dumb crap in Fixed Income that the Board missed and before accruals for criminal indictments and fines in Wealth Management, as we noted previously) from a typical 50% on Wall Street in 2007 to 95% in 2008.  Oversimplified?  Sure.  But you get the point.  There is virtually no labor cost in there this year. 

2.  The entire Investment Bank is irate that Switzerland is spending like drunken sailors to get any Wealth Management advisor cast off by Morgan, Merrill or Citi that has a pulse and ten clients.

3.  The Investment Bankers are now glaring at each other wondering, "does THAT guy/gal have a guaranteed contract?!    Rule of thumb:  Anyone who says, "we all just need to calm down," OR "we have to keep this thing together," OR "we'll be OK when we come through on the other side"--yes, THAT guy/gal has a guaranteed contract!!!

President Obama ought to learn something here, if he's not as thick as UBS' management.  If you allow (or dare we say ENCOURAGE) resentment to gain a footing and infighting to break out in a time of crisis (think "Wall Street" against "Main Street"; "Rich" against "Middle Class; "Taxpayers" against "NonTaxpayers"; "Gay" against "Straight") once great institutions can unravel in the blink of an eye.

Will UBS wake up in time, reverse the disastrous course it has set itself on, and manage to save a great institution before its too late?  If they don't do/say something before February 10th to quell the unrest, it may be too late for "You & Us"  

UBSdude said...

Pretty good read, but I must say the idea that WM people are getting fat bonuses is entirely laughable. In comparison to IB - maybe. But still pretty crappy. For WMUS home office employees bonuses are down anywhere from 40-70% from last year - and they were pretty crappy last year too. Not to mention the caps on bonus and claw back and deferrment. 

Also, for years the IB has been getting fat bonuses especially compared to WM. Did they deserve them at the time? Possibly - but look what it caused in the long run.

Not saying the IB situtation doesn't suck terribly. It sure does, but to paint a picture that WM people are getting fat bonuses is just wrong. Only the the brokers who are "New Recruits" are getting big paydays. It appears this may also be causing resentment in the non-new recruit brokers too btw.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Miracle Max on UBS: Dead, or only mostly dead?

You probably saw the news on UBS today (Thursday, January 29) that bonuses will be down more than 80%, and that there will be NO cash paid to senior bankers.  This has been widely reported in the press and commented on by well-respected market sages such as Donny Deutsch and Barack Obama.

What has NOT been widely reported is that many of the senior bankers in UBS' Investment Bank believe--though may not yet be saying so openly--that this could cause the IMPLOSION of the investment bank, possibly intentionally or at least with the complicity of the Swiss.  There is growing belief among UBS employees that UBS AG (the parent of all UBS businesses) and a certain shareholder (one Swiss National Bank), may have chosen the draconian compensation cuts announced today so as to encourage UBS Investment Bank employees to leave the firm and thereby enable UBS to not only more cheaply shut down the Investment Bank, but to also focus on its two other businesses.  

[Note:  a primer on UBS that will help you understand the organizational structure:]

Simply put, UBS has 3 businesses:  
1.  Wealth Management, viewed by the Swiss as the crown jewel.  
2.  Swiss Private Bank and Business Banking.  
3.  Investment Bank.  

For further clarification, the Investment Bank (# 3 above) has 3 divisions:  
1. Corporate Finance (what they confusingly call the Investment Banking DIVISION, or IBD); 
2. Equities; 
3. Fixed Income, which is where all the s#:! has hit the fan.  

Ironically (and quietly), employees within Wealth Management and Private Bank are still being paid handsomely whilst most of the Investment Bank is getting stiffed (note the reference to "most"; more on that in a moment).  More than anything, this is because the Wealth Management and Private Bank employees have the foresight, distrust (or dumb luck) to collect their commissions and other compensation from UBS more regularly, while the dim bulbs in Investment Banking are required to trust in the integrity of UBS by waiting until months AFTER they've produced to collect the fruits of their labor (reminds you of naive American investors trusting certain Latin American countries to repay their sovereign debt, and we know how that turned out).   What the announcement today about UBS' Investment Bank means is that its employees in the Corporate Finance (IBD) and Equities divisions are being forced to pay for the sins of the Fixed Income Group, and that all Investment Bank employees in aggregate are being thrown under the bus so as to protect the "Swiss identity" associated with Wealth Management and Private Banking businesses.  

There could very well be a MUTINY within UBS, and if the stock market sensed it today, the Financial Press missed it completely.  If you look, UBS stock was down over 13% today (Jan 29) following the announcement, versus about 5-8% for other banks like Citi,Morgan StanleyGoldman SachsCredit Suisse, JPMorgan, etc.   There is a reason for that.  

Here are some reasons why, as well as some general observations.

1.  The Stock Market recognized that incentives to work at UBS' Investment Bank have been effectively eliminated, and the most likely casualties and/or departures will be the most talented of bankers.  If you read the press reports (ignore all the annoying reference to CHF or Swiss Francs), UBS announced that there will be about USD$1.7 billion in bonuses paid out for 2008, down from about $8.0+ billion in 2007.  [To put this decline in perspective, it is a much, much more severe cut than any other Wall Street bank, where 2008 compensation was down perhaps half that much. More on the competition later.]  The previous reference to "most" bankers getting stiffed was because if you then read the fine print of the press releases, it states that approximately $1.1 billion is GUARANTEED BY CONTRACT to certain (ie, a "very small number of") senior bankers at UBS, many who likely reside within the Investment Bank.  So when UBS and the press say "bonuses are down over 80%" and there will be "no cash compensation," it may be semantically correct, but it's extremely misleading. What they don't want to call attention to is the FACT that these senior bankers have enforceable employment contracts against UBS, and the reality is that many of them will enforce their contracts and force UBS to pay those contractual amounts (or sue the giant), in many cases $4 million, $6 million, $10 million or more annually (for however long the period covered by the contract) given the high level of the bankers commanding those contracts.  In the case of the Investment Bank's CEO (Jerker Johansson) who was hired by UBS AG CEO, Marcel Rohner, and the esteemed Board just last year, it is reported that his contract was for more than $25 million a year.  Strangely, he has all but disappeared from sight according to many within the Investment Bank.  More on him later.

If the Swiss ask these bankers with contracts to give some compensation back, these senior bankers with contracts have ZERO incentive to do it, so they won't likely say "yes" out of the goodness of their hearts.  They are not dumb, rest assured.  If they say "no," UBS could presumably fire them, resulting in the most senior, talented bankers of the firm departing with their satchels of cash and leaving the Titanic with nice deck chairs and a helluva band, but with few experienced officers to steer the ship;  alternatively, these senior bankers could call that bluff and say "no," and if UBS then doesn't fire them, the other bankers at the firm (the 95% who don't have guaranteed compensation) will resent them at best, crucify them at worst (so much for that "clubby culture" that the army of administrative losers in UBS' H.R. department brags about).  In any event, the fact is that this uncertainty ground business within UBS' Investment Bank to an absolute HALT today.  Many bankers reportedly just left the office (one revered soul we'll tell you about left to a standing ovation).  In any event, NO client business is being done now by UBS' investment bankers given all the uncertainty around whether, how or when they will be paid in the future.

But first, a little Wall Street/business lesson.  The only reason a senior banker (or any sane, profit-seeking person) with a contract would be willing to re-negotiate such a contract is if (a) they ultimately get better terms, such as by deferring some money or restructuring the agreement to collect it over a longer term as a "selfless" and heroic concession to the firm (this is when senior management begin phoning each other and using words/phrases like "responsibility," "leadership," and "right thing to do") or (b) they don't want to risk getting fired to collect on a one- or two-year contract if they believe they have 5, 10 or 15 great income-producing years left in their career that will pay them much more over the long haul.  The problem today, however, is that nobody believes the "good old days" of Wall Street are coming back so long as Uncle Sam (and not Fidelity) is Goldman Sachs' largest shareholder, and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is the de facto CEO of every Wall Street firm.  So in all likelihood, these investment bankers with contracts say "no gracias" to UBS.  They will take the money and run because NONE of the senior bankers has any trust left in UBS nor any hope they can be paid fairly for the income they produce for their employer given today's political climate (c'mon, it wasn't Barney Franks fault!).  President Obama, the Congress and the Talking Heads are trying to convince Americans that investment bankers deserve a place in the social pecking order somewhere south of that Duncan guy from Arthur Andersen who signed off on the Enron audits, and perhaps just north of former Senator John Edwards (but it's close).  Seriously though, if UBS can tell its Corporate Finance employees on January 29, 2009(!) they're being paid $0 for 2008 despite the millions they produced in good faith for UBS during 2008, there is nothing to stop UBS from doing it again in a year's time in exchange for the hard work these bankers are now being asked to undertake for at least the next 365 days (despite all the euphoria over imminently improved highways, ubiquitous broadband, free coupons for digital set-top converters and a cornucopia of contraception, most on Wall Street don't think 2009 will be more fun than 2008)!  Nobody with a brain and a book of client relationships would ever take that chance.  

Ironically, many of these bankers now believe their best option is to get fired by UBS, take the money (currently owed and currently escrowed by UBS for PAST YEARS), and start over somewhere else.  And, contrary to "main street" beliefs and the guys in the cheap seats at leading financial news networks (you know who they are), these people WILL have many job offers or they will start their own firms and be very successful.  When people laugh and ask rhetorically "where will they go?" make no mistake about it;  these people have enough money to do absolutely nothing if they so choose, and more than enough brains to do just about anything if they still want to work.  Why don't these talented people just quit UBS now?  Again, because they're not stupid.  UBS has control over their (more sizable) compensation from PAST years that they would forfeit if they simply chose to walk out the door voluntarily tomorrow; better to collect their (relatively insignificant) base salary and benefits until UBS fires them, at which time all their past compensation that was deferred immediately vests.  A perfect system to encourage productive people to sit around and do nothing (are you taking notes, President Obama?!)

Finally, the way UBS is presenting this is that there is NO compensation being paid for 2008, and the "bonus pool" they allude to is a "retention" mechanism (for the future!) to get people to stick around and see the firm through this debacle.  The problem is that (a) this "retention pool" is chump change relative to the net worth of the bankers it's targeted at and therefore the only people who will stay to collect it are the underperformers who have no other alternatives; (b) nobody trusts UBS to ever pay it; after all, as UBS has reneged on 2008, it will most certainly renege in the future; and (c) nobody is going to ascribe value to it if it's contingent and outside of their control (wait, after all this, you're seriously asking the Corporate Finance bankers to trust their LIVELIHOODS in their Fixed Income colleagues?!).

2.  ONLY UBS--for whatever reason--chose to completely stiff its honest employees and the Stock Market fears the fallout.  So, why would the Swiss bite off their own noses to spite their faces and giving big goose eggs to so many?   Here is why:

The "bailout" announced earlier in the year by the Swiss National Bank and UBS is apparently causing great political and perhaps even social unrest in Switzerland.  It has been reported that the homes of former UBS executives have been stalked and picketed, and individuals have been the targets of violence.  It is widely discussed within UBS that in Switzerland, current chairman (Peter Kurer) and CEO (Marcel Rohner) travel with bodyguards, their homes are protected by guards, and their children receive police escorts to school.  In short, there was NO political support by the Swiss Government for paying any bonuses (even though it could destroy the entire firm and saddle the Swiss Government with an even worse situation:  bad assets, and no talent to carry on at UBS) and management was looking to throw someone under the bus.  [Note:  President Obama preached a very similar sermon today about "shameful" Wall Street, right before financial stocks took their final nosedive for the day].  

What UBS and Swiss regulators don't realize is if they DON'T fairly compensate the 95% of employees who are honest, hard-working people and who only get paid once a year, the value of the franchise will erode by the day--or perhaps in a day, if you witnessed UBS' stock price today--as the most talented people leave and the rest of the employee base responds to the new incentive scheme by becoming catatonic.  Litigation is inevitable, as understandably enraged employees (as well as one UBS Vice Chairman today, reportedly) cite the "implicit contract" between investment banks and their employees that has evolved over many years on Wall Street and created an environment where employees--rightly or wrongly--have come to view year-end compensation as nothing more than deferred wages (the only thing juries like less than affluent bankers are the more affluent, belligerent banks that attempt to cheat them).  In any event, UBS publicly identified its scapegoats today:  the employees of the Investment Bank.  [Note:  While the "toxic assets" at UBS that you read about in the press are in the Fixed Income division within the Investment Bank, the Wealth Management business is hardly without its sins:  that group is facing a criminal indictment in the US as a result of tax evasion chargesbecause it had offshore accounts for US citizens that enabled them to escape US tax.  This has caused a serious diplomatic crisis between the US and Switzerland, with the US Government seeking a fine for UBS rumored to be USD$2bn or more.  Also, the US has given Switzerland a definitive timeline for turning over sensitive documents.  The Swiss have yet to reply. This could have something to do with the Feb 10th date mentioned below).

So, there is a growing belief that the Swiss/UBS, unable to sell the Investment Bank (nobody wants an investment bank now!) or spin it off (could it stand on its own?), are resigned cutting off the gangrenous limb (the Investment Bank) rather than have the infection kill the entire patient (Wealth Management and Private Bank).  What's the cheapest way to do that?  Tell all your employees that they've been working the past 13 months for free and pray they all quit so UBS avoids the severance costs.  At a minimum, maybe now some of those picketers will get the hell off Marcel's front lawn.

3..  Leaders internally at UBS actually seem to be PREDICTING the inevitable implosion.  As if on cue, the well-regarded Joint Heads of Investment Banking (Rick Leaman from the US and Alex Wilmot-Sitwell from the UK) apparently felt compelled to hold a conference call with all the Managing Directors of the Investment Bank this morning.  

On the call:
* the Joint Heads noted that "big news" and painstaking detail is widely anticipated when UBS reports on Feb 10, about the same time the final figures and details of the bonus plan are released to employees;
* they discussed that the Investment Bank employees will then have to decide whether to "defend" the UBS Investment Bank franchise, or basically watch it disintegrate;
* very oddly, the CEO (Jerker Johansson, mentioned previously) of the Investment Bank apparently did NOT participate on the call (this is a startling lack of leadership that should be widely reported and which might indicate (a) he's taking his money and running, less than 1 year after arriving; (b) he's been fired; or (c) both).

Shortly thereafter, a rumor began circulating among the Managing Directors that not only has CEO Jerker Johannson been fired, but that the two bankers leading the call have also already been FIRED and are simply seeing a sad situation through to the Feb 10 announcement.  If it's true that they've been fired, most Managing Directors would attribute their fate to a deal that went bad for UBS last year called Lyondell-Basell.  This was a big merger and apparently these three (the two Joint Heads as well as the Investment Bank's CEO) are being blamed by Switzerland for asking UBS to provide over a billion dollars of loans to support the deal, loans which have gone bust under a year later and on which UBS may not recover much.  Unfortunately, this blowup was AFTER all the crap related to subprime mortgages, Alt-A, monoline exposure, leveraged loans, etc. that forced the Swiss Government to come to UBS' rescue with its "bad bank" joint venture (sorry Team Obama/Geithner; the Swiss scooped you and Paulson's initial plan was right after all...double ouch).  Yes, AFTER!  Alas, heads must roll, even though just about every bank on Wall Street got burned on this deal and these loans are probably not too far off from the kinds of loans that Congress is pushing US citizens--er, the TARP--to make.

4.  The hypocrisy of it all will be too much for good employees to bear.  It is quite a spectacle to see UBS pleading poverty and trying to claim the moral high ground by claiming it is paying no bonuses.  The Investment Bank's employees know that this assertion is a complete joke.  UBS is paying bonuses--big bonuses; just not at the Investment Bank.  In essence, UBS is simply taking money from one pocket (by withholding from the Investment Bank) to pay and protect the two businesses they now prefer and wish to protect (Wealth Management and Private Banking) and with which their national identity is based.   The mutiny won't be confined to within the Investment Bank, but will spread to--or at least be aimed at--these "chosen" businesses. 

Somebody in the press should ask UBS the following question:  "If you have the threat of a criminal indictment from the US Government hanging over your Wealth Management division right now because of all the offshore accounts US citizens were holding at UBS (whilst the current CEO of UBS AG ran the business), how is UBS in a position to be aggressively hiring (in most cases with multi-million dollar guaranteed signing bonuses PAID UP FRONT no less!) Wealth Management teams in the US and around the world from other troubled brokerage firms like Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch?!  How can UBS say out of one side of its mouth it is paying no bonuses, whilst it pays millions to poach Wealth Management talent?"  The answer:  they're trying to reverse the outflow of Assets Under Management that have plagued it and protect what has become--overnight--its "core" businesses.


Admittedly, there are many assertions here (albeit based on first hand accounts), but much of it might be verified by asking UBS some tough questions and seeing how it reacts, or by checking with senior bankers at the firm or other sources you media types no doubt have access to.  One explanation for UBS trying to keep a lid on things is because it is (a) trying to sell the Investment Bank one last time; or (b) trying to buy time before the story hits the fan on Feb 10.

One last point that is at least enjoyable for your viewers/readers to know:  the reality is that nobody is in charge right now.  As evidence of how screwed up things are, look at this report.  It tells the story of Jon Bass, one Managing Director in UBS' Fixed Income Group, who reportedly after a conference call with the Investment Bank's CEO, reportedly told him to "Sod Off" and walked off the floor to a standing ovation.  His poor wife may have been displeased a cooler head did not prevail today, but she can sleep soundly knowing her good man won't be buying his own beers around Stamford anytime soon.  The link to the Reuters news article follows.

Another easily verified belief is that pandemonium has broken out.  Periodically throughout the day Thursday on the trading floor in Stamford (where thousands are employed), traders were anonymously seizing the "squawk box" (which is basically a microphone / Public Address system on the trading floor) and playing a clip from the movie "Old School" where a drunken Will Ferrell screams, "Let's all get out of here and go streaking!"  Sophomorish?  Perhaps.  A sad sign of how desperate, helpless and completely betrayed the employees feel?  Absolutely.  Sometimes laughter is the ONLY medicine.  Right Reuvan?

Most of America earns a livelihood and collect it ratably over 52 bi-weekly pay periods.  For whatever reason, Wall Street has always had a model where (approximately) one-tenth of the earned wages were paid ratably over 52 weeks, and the remaining nine-tenths was paid in a lump sum in February of the following year.  If nothing else, it provided Wall Street banks with an interest-free loan from their own employees of many billions of dollars (who said the business model was no good?!).  Had employees at UBS known the firm was going to change this model unilaterally at half past midnight, AFTER all the other investment banks paid their people according to Wall Street's "implicit contract" (to paraphrase the UBS Vice Chairman) and nearly two months AFTER the end of its fiscal year, you can bet the employees would have asked for it ratably over 52 weeks, thank you very much.

Again, for political effect (and not coincidentally while the self-important talk at each other in Davos this week), UBS will continue to tell anyone who will listen that it's not paying its people bonuses.  Don't believe it for a second, and don't permit that lie to be repeated by you our your colleagues in the media.  The reality is that it's paying its Wealth Management and Private Bank employees as it has all along (regularly, formulaically, and at 100 cents on the dollar), and it's paying the lucky few very senior bankers in the Investment Bank who apparently have $1.1 billion in enforceable contracts (big names, like Jerker Johansson; Rick Leaman; Kevin Cox; Simon Warshaw; Cary Kochman; Jeff Sine; and the list should go on, and on, and on...).  Those who were basically told today they should expect little or no pay are generally very honest, hard-working employees in the Corporate Finance, Equities  and yes, even the Fixed Income, division who had NOTHING to do with the "toxic assets" in Fixed Income or the criminal "tax evasion" charges facing Wealth Management.  These 95% of employees went to work last year each and every day just like any other year, did their jobs with pride and persistence, worked extremely long hours in Wall Street's culture of "trust" and were generally successful during very difficult times.  Unlike a doctor, attorney, or the guy at Home Depot, they were just told they did it for free.  Don't let those big numbers you read about fool you;  guys like Bob Rubin and and Lloyd Blankfein can skew those numbers incredibly. 
On Wall Street, these 95% of good people we're talking about have come to expect some reasonable level of compensation at the end of the year to pay their basic living expenses. They are in every case typical tax-paying citizens (sorry Secretary Geithner AND Congressmen Rangel...go ahead, Google it) and in many cases just midlevel professionals with student loans and young children who are being unfairly punished for the mistakes of others.  Whose mistakes?  Who should have noticed the utter EXPLOSION of UBS' balance sheet that financed the leveraged purchase of all these toxic assets that have nearly brought UBS and every other bank (and the world economy, for that matter) down?  Hellllloooooo?!!  Possibly the board and senior management of UBS AG, including CURRENT CHAIRMAN Peter Kurer?!!  After all, did they think to actually READ the financial statements?  Did they somehow MISS the balance sheet?!  Who should have known that US citizens may have been hiding assets illegally overseas?  Probably the head of the Wealth Management division, Raoul Weil (currently a fugitive from the US), or perhaps his predecessor in that role, CURRENT CEO OF UBS AG Marcel Rohner?!!  It certainly was not the fault of the rank and file employees of the Investment Bank who got the shaft today! 

The bottom line is this.   Goldman Sachs paid its people, albeit much less than 2007 and rightfully so.  Morgan Stanley, same thing.  JPMorgan, same thing.  Deutsche Bank, same thing.  Even Merrill Lynch, as Ken Lewis has apparently and belatedly discovered (say again, it was JOHN THAIN who was clueless?!!!), paid what it had accrued and rightfully owed to its employees.  Hell, UBS' Investment Bank just fired the bottom 10-15% of all its people and even those "unfortunate" souls got 25% of last year's bonus, received it in CASH, and became VESTED in all their other deferred compensation from past years!  Yes, you read that right:  it was better to get fired two weeks ago than wake up at UBS today!!!  You couldn't make this stuff up if you tried.

In the US, if any of the regulatory brain trust, our delusional Speaker or her animated counterpart in the Senate, or our brand new "yes, we can" President wants to bring criminal charges against Stan O'Neal and John Thain (Merrill Lynch) or Marcel Ospel and John Costas and Raoul Weil and Marcel Rohner (UBS), or Sandy Weil and Chuck Prince (Citi) and attempt to recoup some of the HUNDREDS of millions of dollars they were paid, they should have at it in a court of law under the watchful eye of all.  Was there fraud?  Who knows.  Did some have inside information and get out early with all their cash because they alone knew how bad things would get?  Maybe.  Is stupidity is a crime?  Quite possibly.  Just ask one Elliot Spitzer, who brought us so much of this constructive Wall Street condemnation (how are those charges against Hank Greenberg and Dick Grasso coming along, G'uvna?)  In the absence of such legal charges, however, it is only fair and equitable that the good everyday employees of UBS (or any other organization for that matter) should be reasonably compensated and paid timely for their services that have ALREADY been provided in good faith to their respective employers.  

UBS stresses that the "plan is not final" and perhaps it will still amend it in time to simultaneously "do the right thing" for its loyal employees, preserve the value of its formidable investment banking franchise, and recapture its reputation for stability and honest business dealings in its Wealth Management business.  UBS should most certainly publicly acknowledge that the we are all facing unprecedented and difficult times and be sensitive to the perception that any level of compensation--no matter how well deserved and rightfully paid--will be scrutinized and potentially criticized in today's environment.  UBS should apologize no more for its compensation of its employees than Chevron, Shell and British Petroleum were willing to apologize for their record profits last year allegedly, as I recall, by exploiting (or was it "extorting"?) helpless global consumers (how did that brilliant idea of a Windfall Profits taxdisappear so quickly?!  Make no mistake brain trust:  the only thing disappears faster than $160 oil is talented human capital with endless opportunities available to them.)  Unfortunately, it seems like there is a vacuum of leadership today among Wall Street CEOs where so much of the crisis is centered (and no one like J.P. Morgan--the man--available to step in to lead) and government leaders around the world.   Leaders must make principled stands and UBS' leadership, if it in fact has any, could be doing a lot more to articulate what it does as a firm, highlight the many incredible contributions its employees make on a daily basis and convince people that it can be a constructive and trusted leader in getting capital markets and the global economy back on track.

©  Leo Grace, 2008.  All Rights Reserved.

Please share your comments, observations or a letter to Kurer/Rohner/Johansson for all the world to see, and check back for our updates on what's up at UBS at